Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Lifehacks for Easy Raking This Fall, Free of Urgent Care Clinic Visits

If there’s one unavoidable task this fall, it’s raking the detritus of once lush, blossoming trees. Yes, those mountains of leaves on your yard. Feeling the wind blow and watching leaves fall while sitting on your porch can be relaxing, but when it’s time to wield the rake, your body may pay the price for your idleness.

As with most strenuous activities, your muscles will be forced to work harder than normal. Every fall, homeowners rush to Georgetown urgent care clinics for a checkup after injuring their back while raking. To avoid the same fate, you should learn some life hacks for easier raking without pain.

Befriend the Wind

Between you and the wind, the latter always wins. So, instead of fighting it, make it your friend. Avoid raking on extremely windy days because it will complicate collection of leaves, therefore increasing the demands on your body, such as raking harder than you should. Read more from this blog:

Monday, October 10, 2016

Urgent Care Share Tips in Preventing Asthma in Tough Muddler Seattle

From majestic landscapes to diverse West Coast obstacle courses, the Tough Muddler Seattle is absolutely an event to watch out for. Held on the 24th and 25th of September, this event allows you and your family to have fun under the sun with a ton of games that are suitable for people of all ages.

But while it offers an opportunity for you to experience new trails and meet new friends, the challenging activities, along with a variety of environmental factors present in this event, can trigger an asthma episode.

As a precautionary measure, urgent care specialists from Georgetown, Seattle are here to provide you valuable tips on how to effectively prevent an asthma attack.

Consult Your Doctor

Before signing up for this event, it is best that you consult your doctor and obtain a medical approval first, especially since this event includes strenuous activities that can prompt an asthma episode. Read more from this blog:

Friday, September 16, 2016

Georgetown Urgent Care Advice: What 30-Minute Walking Can Do for You

This year at JamFest you can find cabaret performances, live music, good food and mind-blowing art. It is also a good way to jumpstart your fitness goals because you will be doing a lot of walking.

A 30-minute daily walk has its health benefits. In fact, many health practitioners and Georgetown urgent care providers recommend making it a daily habit, especially for people who don’t have much time or strength to do rigorous physical exercises.

Improve Mood

Health experts say that allotting time during the day for walking will eventually change your nervous system for the better; there’ll be a decrease in your tendency to be hostile and angry. It is even better if you make it social and interact with friends and other people, which makes the 2016 JamFest a great choice for your next walks. When you feel connected, you are likely to have a good mood all day long.

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Summer Camping Safety Tips from a Local Georgetown Urgent Care Center

It’s that time of the year again! The sun is out, the weather is perfect, and there’s no better way to spend summer days than being outdoors. And, there’s really no better location than the Iron Horse State Park. Whether you’re going with your friends or family, always keep in mind the importance of taking precautionary steps so that you will stay safe during the course of your summer activities.

For those who will be going camping, a local Georgetown urgent care center gives these tips on what you should do to avoid injuries and accidents, and more importantly, what you should do in the event that you are injured.

Wear Appropriate Clothing

Regardless of whether you will be driving your RV or hiking to your campsite, you should be mindful of wearing weather-appropriate clothes. Wear light, cotton, breathable fabrics so that your body will be able to more easily let out internal heat.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

4 Top Benefits of Running, According to Georgetown Urgent Care Clinics

The Color Run event, to be held in Seattle this year, celebrates making a healthy life choice. The sole purpose of this event is to educate and spread awareness regarding the manifold benefits of running. If you are planning to join the Color Run event, then you must be excited to know about how it can be a fun way to benefit your health. Sodo urgent care centers will surely be on standby during such large sports events, especially in cases of running-related injuries. While running is already understood to be great exercise, below are some other benefits of the activity. Keeping Your Health in Check While many are not aware of it, running actually raises your levels of good cholesterol as its increases your lung function and use. This sport also boosts your immune system and reduces the risk of developing blood clots.

Monday, June 13, 2016

Urgent Care: A 3-Step Guide to Enjoying Food from the Farmers Market

Eating healthy is vital to staying healthy. The Seattle Farmers Market Association currently has three famers markets that meet the needs of residents in Georgetown and throughout Seattle by selling fresh fruits and vegetables. Those looking to start eating right should definitely check out the farmers market closest to them.

While fruits and vegetables offered at farmers markets tend to be of high-quality, there is still the risk of buying something that could lead to problems such as food poisoning. Shoppers at farmers markets should be vigilant when buying and preparing fruits and vegetables. Here is a quick 3-step guide you can use:

Step 1: Buying the Food

Needless to say, you want the freshest produce you can get your hands on. When choosing fruits, prioritize the ones that boast a vivid color. Generally, you’ll want to avoid fruits that have blemishes. As much as possible, only buy fruits that are in season.

Monday, May 30, 2016

Urgent Care Tips: How to Prepare for a 5K Half Marathon

Running is a great way to get in shape, however to some, it is much more than exercise. In fact some people consider running a sport; one that requires months of training in order to get in shape for such events like a 5K and 10K run. One even that runners are probably looking forward to is the Mercer Island Half Marathon. The Mercer Island Half Marathon brings together athletes, casual walkers and family for a run that kicks off the Puget Sound running season. All money raised goes to awareness for Colon Cancer prevention and for the local and international Rotary charities.