Friday, September 16, 2016

Georgetown Urgent Care Advice: What 30-Minute Walking Can Do for You

This year at JamFest you can find cabaret performances, live music, good food and mind-blowing art. It is also a good way to jumpstart your fitness goals because you will be doing a lot of walking.

A 30-minute daily walk has its health benefits. In fact, many health practitioners and Georgetown urgent care providers recommend making it a daily habit, especially for people who don’t have much time or strength to do rigorous physical exercises.

Improve Mood

Health experts say that allotting time during the day for walking will eventually change your nervous system for the better; there’ll be a decrease in your tendency to be hostile and angry. It is even better if you make it social and interact with friends and other people, which makes the 2016 JamFest a great choice for your next walks. When you feel connected, you are likely to have a good mood all day long.

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