Tuesday, June 28, 2016

4 Top Benefits of Running, According to Georgetown Urgent Care Clinics

The Color Run event, to be held in Seattle this year, celebrates making a healthy life choice. The sole purpose of this event is to educate and spread awareness regarding the manifold benefits of running. If you are planning to join the Color Run event, then you must be excited to know about how it can be a fun way to benefit your health. Sodo urgent care centers will surely be on standby during such large sports events, especially in cases of running-related injuries. While running is already understood to be great exercise, below are some other benefits of the activity. Keeping Your Health in Check While many are not aware of it, running actually raises your levels of good cholesterol as its increases your lung function and use. This sport also boosts your immune system and reduces the risk of developing blood clots.

Monday, June 13, 2016

Urgent Care: A 3-Step Guide to Enjoying Food from the Farmers Market

Eating healthy is vital to staying healthy. The Seattle Farmers Market Association currently has three famers markets that meet the needs of residents in Georgetown and throughout Seattle by selling fresh fruits and vegetables. Those looking to start eating right should definitely check out the farmers market closest to them.

While fruits and vegetables offered at farmers markets tend to be of high-quality, there is still the risk of buying something that could lead to problems such as food poisoning. Shoppers at farmers markets should be vigilant when buying and preparing fruits and vegetables. Here is a quick 3-step guide you can use:

Step 1: Buying the Food

Needless to say, you want the freshest produce you can get your hands on. When choosing fruits, prioritize the ones that boast a vivid color. Generally, you’ll want to avoid fruits that have blemishes. As much as possible, only buy fruits that are in season.