Friday, October 24, 2014

Gadgets and Rashes: Georgetown Urgent Care Center on Nickel Allergy

U.S. HealthWorks Medical Group, which provides urgent care in Georgetown, Seattle says that people can avoid developing or triggering nickel allergies by making sure that all their jewelry and garments are free of this metal. Likewise, those with an existing allergy can use a protective case to prevent their skin from making contact with the nickel on their gadgets’ outer bodies.

Friday, August 29, 2014

Urgent Care in Seattle (First Ave)—Measles Detected at Sea-Tac Airport

If you have been in contact with an infected person or have been at a location where measles was detected, find out if you have been vaccinated for measles or have previously had measles to ensure your immunity. People who have yet to be vaccinated would be well-advised to go to a nearby healthcare provider, such as U.S. HealthWorks Medical Group’s facility for occupational medicine and Georgetown urgent care, to help safeguard their health.

In addition, if you develop symptoms of measles, contact a healthcare provider immediately. Know that if you get sick, your health and those of your loved ones around you are at risk.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Asthma: A Common Reason to Visit a First Ave, Seattle Walk-In Clinic

Carbon emissions from vehicles, which not even the best protective gear can shield a person from, are known to cause ailments like lung cancer, stroke, and asthma. Of all these diseases, asthma is the most common—even children can contract the disease once they’re exposed to airborne pollutants. Incidentally, people with asthma are also likely to develop allergies, particularly from pollen, dust, and other particles. An effective cure for asthma and allergies doesn’t exist yet, but their symptoms can be alleviated with the help of certain medical treatments. A reputable First Ave, Seattle walk-in clinic, like the one run by U.S. HealthWorks Medical Group, can provide such treatments through their urgent care services.

Even controlling the symptoms of asthma is not an easy task because just a whiff of indoor air can trigger an asthmatic reaction. However, not all asthma “triggers” are universal, as some people react to the scent of upholstery or carpets, while others don’t. Therefore, effective asthma control is done on an individual basis, with anti-inflammatory medications and therapy thrown into the mix.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Urgent Care in First Ave., Seattle Gears Up as Flu Activity Continues

With the increased incidence of flu-like illness across the nation, government health agencies are campaigning for individuals and families to consider flu vaccination. This should help to contain the spread of the disease and avoid the situation turning into a much more costly epidemic.

The ideal time for receiving the flu vaccine was in October and the government’s most recent calls for vaccination may have come a bit late for those who have forgotten to get their shots before the flu season. In order to avoid complications, visiting a First Ave., Seattle walk-in clinic at the first sign of influenza is advisable for residents in this area who’ve missed the opportunity to get vaccinated.

Friday, May 2, 2014

Seek Help for Meniscal Tear from a First Ave, Seattle Walk-In Clinic

Meniscal tears don’t solely affect NBA players, either. The injury can also be seen in athletes that play tennis, hockey, and any sport that involves abrupt stops and cuts. In 2011, Texas Rangers reliever Mike Gonzales had his meniscus give out on him during that year’s World Series. Slugger Alex Rodriguez injured his knee when he attempted to run to home plate during the New York Yankees’ game against the Chicago Cubs last June 19, 2013. That’s not even mentioning the countless other athletes who suffer similar fates each season.